This might just save you some money!
If you have a half hourly supply live with British Gas (MPAN starting 00, which is normally listed beneath ‘Details of Charges’ header and has a ‘S’ in front), you need to familiarise yourself with the Settlement and Metering DA/DC Charge arrangements on your account. We have found that British Gas Settlement and Metering charges are expensive. Whilst all half hourly supplies require these services, we have managed to find clients savings compared to the default BG Settlement and Metering DC/DA Charges (MOP + DA/DC combined).
What are BG Settlement and Agent Charges?
BG Settlement and Metering Charges cover both the Data Aggregator (DA), Data Collector (DC) and Meter Operator (MOP) charges when the client hasn’t appointed their own provider for these services.
What is a MOP?
MOP stands for Meter Operator, and it is their role to provide and maintain your electricity meter and communications, typically on a five year lease contract. If you see a Meter Operator Charge on your supply bill that was not specified on your supply contract, this is a default MOP charge. The charge gets passed through when the customer has not appointed their own provider for this service. Default MOP charges tend to be too expensive. We have been able to deliver customers as much as 68% savings on default MOP charges.
What is a DC?
DC stands for Data Collector, and they are responsible for the collection and processing of your electricity data and the delivery of that data to your DA and electricity supplier. If you see a charge around £0.57/day or around £17.58/moth, this is a default Data Aggregator/Data Collector charge. We have helped customers save by appointing their own Data Aggregator/Data Collector via Direct Power. Get in touch today to see if we can arrange similar savings for your account. These services are required, so it makes sense to secure competitive prices rather than pay out default charges to BG!
What is a DA?
The DA is responsible for the aggregation of your metered data in accordance with industry standards, ensuring it is compiled ready for settlement and billing purposes.
Be Careful!
We have come across instances when electricity suppliers have double billed clients for MOP and DC + DA charges. If you have your own MOP, DC and DA contract in place, and suspect you are being double billed in error, please get in touch, Direct Power can help to arrange a credit for any erroneous double billing. We just secured a £1,743.33. credit for a client who had been a victim of such double billing!
All Half Hourly electricity supplies require a Data Collector, Data Aggregator and Meter Operator (MOP). If a client doesn’t arrange their own contracts for these services then the supplier will appoint their default service provider and the charge will appear on the monthly supply bill. The default charge is generally much higher than if the customer appointed their own MOP + DC + DA service. The moral is, pay attention to the line items buried on your bill. Complacency is easy and understandable when it comes to reconciling your monthly electricity bill, but pay attention as there may be significant savings to be found! If you suspect double billing, or don’t understand anything get in touch with Direct Power and we can answer your questions about MOP, DC and DA services. At the very best we can find you significant savings on MOP, DC or DA services!