Did you sign a contract with E.ON, but are receiving bills from Npower?
Do not worry, there was a company take over and merging of operations! We do however recommend you spend a little extra time reviewing the first Npower invoice to ensure you are being billed correctly.
E.ON owns nPower Business Solutions, and over winter 2021/2022 all E.ON Industrial & Commercial business accounts are migrating from E.ON Systems to nPower Systems. In layman’s terms, most of E.ON’s larger gas and electricity business consumers are now being serviced under the nPower system. You can learn more here. E.ON did reach out to all customers advising them of the change. However, with many staff working from home, this news has not always arrived to the intended recipient, and some customers are concerned upon receipt of an nPower bill instead of the usual E.ON bill.
Both suppliers have a professional track record, and Direct Power longstanding working relationships with both suppliers. Here are Direct Power we are optimistic that this change will result in better service in the long run. That being said, any change of this scale has it’s teething troubles. The migration from E.ON to nPower has impacted many of our customers, thanks to the volume of accounts we service, we have identified the below common billing errors. It is worth pointing out, most of these errors have a minimal cost implications. Nonetheless, nPower should honour the contracted rates.
When you receive your first nPower bill, Direct Power recommends you spend a bit of extra time reviewing it. The most common errors we observe are with:
- Capacity Charge rate. Remember that E.ON charged £/kVa/month, whilst nPower charges p/kVa/day.
- Standing Charge rate.
- Meter Operator Charge. You need to make sure you are not paying twice for this service, learn more about this topic here.
- Data Collector/Data Aggregator Charge. You need to make sure you are not paying twice for this service, learn more about this topic here.
Whilst most of the errors were minor in terms of value, you want to ensure you are billed according to your billed rates.
It can be difficult to compare a contract from one supplier (E.ON), to the billing format of a new supplier (nPower), so don’t spend time or effort on this. Get in touch with Direct Power today and we will gladly compare your contract to your bill and ensure all is correct for your peace of mind. If we find any mistakes we will help you to request a correction and re-bill. In order for swift assistance it is ideal to have a copy of the nPower bill, E.ON contract and any Meter Operator, Data Collector/Data Aggregator contract you may hold to hand. Even if you don’t have these to hand, get in touch today, we are here to help you ensure your nPower bills is fair.