How to arrange a new electricity connection, gas connection, or Meter Operator Contract during the Corona crisis…
Understandably, new connections have mostly ground to a halt as engineers comply with social distancing requirements. Some suppliers have stopped quoting for new connections until the situation improves. A limited few are still quoting, so there are still steps you can take now to enable a meter install as promptly as the situation permits.
At this time, emergency and essential metering appointments are being prioritised:
• If a meter is required because the property is currently occupied and without power it would be classed as an Emergency Connection, call us for assistance and guidance on Emergency Connections.
• If the connection is required to keep an essential business operational, examples include a Health Care Provider or part of the Food Supply Chain, we have had success in fast tracking appointments for Essential Business needs.
If you need a new connection but don’t fall into the Essential or Emergency categories don’t give up! There are two main reasons to secure your new connection contracts now:
• Securing your Supply and Meter Operator Contracts now enables you to be at the front of the cue for metering appointments as soon as the restrictions are lifted.
• Commodity costs account for around 35% of the typical electricity and 60% of the typical gas bill. Global energy demand has plummeted thanks to the crisis resulting in exceptionally low commodity costs. As soon as lock-downs are lifted and we all get back to work, global energy demand will increase putting upward pressure on commodity costs. So secure your supply contract now to lock in prices whilst they are low.
What’s your next step to arrange metering?
• If you have your MPAN for electricity, MPR for gas and need a new connection get in touch with Direct Power for assistance today.
• If you haven’t yet received your MPAN or MPR number, please chase it up with the local distribution company, i.e. the people you have agreed the cabling or pipework with. Once you agree and pay their fee, they will issue the MPAN or MPR and your next call should be to Direct Power for assistance with metering and supply.
Suppliers are constantly reviewing the situation and will adapt metering appointments as conditions and government health advise permits.
Stay safe, well, and get in touch with Direct Power for your new connections needs! We are not health experts, but we applaud those key workers on the front line. Our role in this crisis is to work with you to help your business get up and running, and supporting the economy at this difficult time.