Get paid for your Energy Exports…

Get paid for your Energy Exports…

An easy way to get paid for your energy exports! With rising energy prices, an increasing number of organisations are installing their own generation, including: wind turbines, solar, anaerobic digestors, and hydro generators. Now, more than ever, you want to get a...
Energy Buying Strategies

Energy Buying Strategies

Energy Buying Strategies for the current price hikes… We all know that energy prices are sky high, but did you know there are a couple of simple strategies everyone can use to help mitigate these record energy prices? Be Proactive Secure your renewals early, do...
The Flexible Price Contract

The Flexible Price Contract

An alternative to fixed prices: the flexible price contract… With energy prices at all-time highs I am sure the below dilemmas will resonate with you: • Prices are sky high, but longer term contracts are cheaper. Is it better to pay a higher price for a 12m contract,...
Not all Fixed Contracts are Equal… part 2

Not all Fixed Contracts are Equal… part 2

What kind of fixed contract do you want? Historically gas and electricity contracts have fallen into two key categories: Fixed or Non-Fixed, aka Pass Through. The key difference being that Fixed contracts offer price certainty, whilst Non-Fixed, aka Pass Through,...
Energy Buying Strategies

EDF’s Fixed + Standard Prices are Changing

11-Jan-2022: EDF to update Fixed + Standard prices…  EDF’s Fixed + Standard contract prices are made up of two main elements: the cost of electricity purchased on the wholesale market, and third-party costs. For those customers on EDF Fixed + Standard contracts:...